~ Congratulations to The Royal School's Year 11 pupils - who performed well across all subjects ~
~ Focus on the future – New Sixth Form Future Ready programme ~
Today (12 August), The Royal School celebrates the hard work and commitment of its Year 11 pupils, who have today received their GCSE qualifications with strong performances across all subjects. Their grades are a real credit to them and the school looks forward to building on their successes as they embark on a wide range of A Level courses.
Mrs Pippa Smithson, Head at The Royal School said:
“As ever, our GCSE cohort have done extremely well in the grades they have been awarded today. But they have achieved a great deal more that is worth recognition and celebration. Over the past 18 months, they have dealt with uncertainty regarding exams and lockdowns; they have adapted quickly and engaged impressively when they were required to learn from home. They have developed the skills that every employer looks for - resilience, an ability to focus on what they can control and tenacity. I am incredibly proud of them.”
As a proudly, mixed ability school, The Royal is academically ambitious for all its pupils. In this?challenging year, pupils performed well across the curriculum and their awards are in line with the high academic standards characteristic of previous years. The Royal School is very proud of all its Year 11 pupils and their achievements.
Focus on the Future
Year 11 pupils have also benefitted from dedicated A Level transition courses to prepare them for their future studies as well as preparation for the EPQ (an independent project based qualification that Royal Sixth Form (RSF) students consistently?excel in). The school has also run preparation for next steps sessions and an enrichment week focusing on broadening horizons. As a result, all those entering The Royal Sixth Form are motivated and engaged for their A Level studies.
Royal Sixth Form
When they join The Royal Sixth Form, students will study a broad range of subjects in small classes with an increasingly independent approach to learning. They will also benefit from a dedicated Future Ready Programme whose objectives are to provide opportunities beyond the traditional curriculum to develop future skills.
Mrs Cerian Parker-Yeates, Head of Sixth Form, said,
“Congratulations to all of The Royal Senior School’s Year 11s! Their dedication has put them into an excellent position to make the most of all of the exceptional opportunities available in the Sixth Form. With many students joining us from other schools, The Sixth Form Team are looking forward to starting a personalised programme of academic study and enrichment in September”.